Who we are.

Our Core Values

a) Integrity – We believe in doing the right thing, the right way and for the right reasons, at all times and in all circumstances. We work in a transparent and accountable manner
b) Trust – We firmly believe in being reliable and committed to the cause of facilitating communities to take charge of their own development
c) Justice – We are genuinely concerned and deeply care about the community
d) Teamwork – We know clearly that a prosperous community is a collective effort and we will work with like-minded actors to realize.
e) Sustainability – We have an obligation to the future generations and therefore, we pursue a balance between social and economic development that is mindful of the environment as our common home.

Twajibike strongly believes in the inherent capability of the community to recognize their needs, prioritize them, and appropriately voice them while seeking their own solutions to those needs.

Theory of Change

Twajibike believes that realistic transformation is possible when communities best understand economic, social and political challenges they face and develop interest and capacity to prioritize and influence their own development agenda. Based on this belief, Twajibike invests in community centered capacity building, information dissemination, civic engagement, grassroots organizing and facilitating voice relationships between community, policy actors and other important stakeholders for a cohesive community promoting and enjoying sustainable development.


A socially and economically cohesive community promoting sustainable development


We are inspired by the desire to better our socio-economic situation through social support services, civic engagement, capacity building, mobilizing action by communities to demand and defend their rights.

Our Objectives


To create awareness and mobilize citizen voice and action on government policy, service delivery general development affairs at both levels of government


To conserve our environment by promoting responsible and sustainable exploration and utilization of our natural resources


Create targeted awareness and social support services on communicable and non-communicable diseases


Promoting Sustainable Rural Agricultural Practices

Our Strategic Approach

Leverage digital tools for local civic engagement

Robust penetration and viral nature of the digital tools, digital spaces and expressions has become a strategic environment for our work. Twajibike will intensively leverage on digital tools and technologies to stimulate greater civic engagement, transparency and accountability by community and duty bearers. Twajibike will strongly integrate innovative digital alternatives and expressions such as technology tools and art in its work at the community levels.

Local organizing and Community focused capacity building

Twajibike believes that realistic transformation is possible when communities best understand their situation, develop interest and broker their own solution. To this end, Twajibike will invest heavily on building community consciousness for them to be angry enough on the basis of truth and reality so that they can take appropriate action to influence development and change they deserve.

Research and fact-checking

As an approach to its work, Twajibike will strive to use research to generate new information and clarify existing information for evidence-based engagement. Moreover, in the age of fake news and propaganda that are commonly used to inhibit true civic engagement and demand for accountability, Twajibike will strive to be a source of reliable data, information and analysis for correct facts at the local level. 

Our Mission

We are inspired by the desire to better our socio-economic situation through social support services, civic engagement, capacity building, mobilizing action by communities to demand and defend their rights.

Have any questions?

We are located in Gombe Market along Akala-Luanda Road, Siaya

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