Twajibike Consult
Twajibike being a rich reservoir of knowledge and experience on governance, advocacy, lobbying and community development in general, Twajibike has an enterprise component referred to as Twajibike Consult. The primary role of Twajibike Consult is to bid for and provide consultancy services to other organizations and agencies under the banner of resource mobilization and institutional
Twajibike Consult rides on the internal capacity and outsources capacity and skills where certain capacity for specific task or assignment. Based on clear guidelines, Twajibike Consult uses various approaches including a) Individual bidding for consultancies b) Undertaking Consultancy as Twajibike under the component of Twajibike Consult and c) Outsourcing any specific skills required but not residing within Twajibike. Twajibike Consult is Coordinated by Bernard Ochieng.
Our Mission
We are inspired by the desire to better our socio-economic situation through social support services, civic engagement, capacity building, mobilizing action by communities to demand and defend their rights.
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We are located in Gombe Market along Akala-Luanda Road, Siaya
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